Tarling is one kind of popular music in coastal area north (pantura) of West Java, especially area of Indramayu and Cirebon. The name of the tarling is identified by the name of the instrument gitar (guitar) and suling (flute) and the term of Yen wis mlatar gage eling (If so many sinful repent immediately). The origins of tarling began to appear around 1931 in the village of Kepandean, District / District Indramayu.Strains of guitar and bamboo flute that presents music Dermayonan and Cerbonan it began to infect around the decade of the 1930s.
At that time, young people in various villages in Indramayu and Cirebon, accepted it as a lifestyle. Favorite and popular trends, in jondol or ranggon so many young people love to play it, the art of music is getting loved. In 1935, the tarling music was also equipped with a soap box that served as a drum, and a jug as a gong. Then in 1936, the strains of tarling equipped with other musical instruments such as baskom and small ketipung that serves as percussion. But certainly, the name of the tarling when it has not been used as a type of musical flow. At that time the name used to call this type of music is Melodi Kota Ayu for Indramayu and Melodi Kota Udang for Cirebon region. And the new tarling name was inaugurated when RRI often broadcast this type of music and by the Government Agency Daily (currently DPRD or Regional Parliamentary) on August 17, 1962 inaugurated the name Tarling as the official name of the music.
But one thing is for sure, the art of tarling at this time though has been almost extinct. However, tarling forever will not be separated from the history of pantura coastal communities. Because tarling is their soul, by joining the sawer on stage or just looking at it, and hear it as if able to eliminate the burden of life burden. Song lyrics and stories told in it, also able to provide an enlightening and entertaining moral message.
You can try to listen or download this kind of tarling musics below :
1. Tarling-Banyu Urip
2. Tarling-Dharma Bakti
3. Tarling-Jala Sutra
4. Tarling-Kidang Mas
5. Tarling-Lahir Bathin
6. Tarling-Ngati-ati
7. Tarling-Ngumbara
8. Tarling-Saedah Saba Desa
9. Tarling-Segagang Melati
10. Tarling-Sunya Rangi
11. Tarling-Wangsit Pujangga
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