Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Download lagu Acha Septriasa

Acha Septriasa dengan nama asli Jelita Septriasa (lahir di Kuala Lumpur, 1 September 1989) adalah seorang aktris dan penyanyi Indonesia.
Acha yang berdarah Minangkabau ini mulai terjun ke dunia hiburan saat menjadi GADIS Sampul 2004. Pemilik tubuh 164 cm/46 kilogram ini terjun ke dunia acting lewat film "Apa Artinya Cinta?" (2005) yang tampil sebagai pemain pendukung Shandy Aulia. Dia menjadi terkenal saat main film Heart bersama Nirina Zubir dan Irwansyah. Tak hanya bermain film, ia pun menjadi penyanyi lagu tema dalam film tersebut, berduet dengan Irwansyah, kekasihnya saat itu. Album lagu tema tersebut mendapatkan penghargaan double platinum, untuk Original Soundtrack terbaik tahun ini.
Tak hanya di Indonesia, ia juga terkenal di Malaysia. Bahkan lagu-lagu duet yang dibawakannya dengan Irwansyah seperti Sampai Menutup Mata, My Heart, dan Pencinta Wanita menduduki daftar teratas di radio-radio Malaysia. Setelah film Heart, ia dan Irwansyah bermain kembali dalam film Love is Cinta dan sinetron Andai Ku Tahu.
Selama berkarier di dunia akting, ia pernah meraih penghargaan sebagai "Leading Actress" (Aktris Terbaik) Guardians e-Awards pada tahun 2008 berkat aktingnya yang cemerlang dalam Love (film 2008). Selain itu juga pernah menjadi nominator Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik dalam Festival Film Indonesia 2007 lewat Love is Cinta. Tahun 2008 menjadi titik balik kariernya dan dinobatkan sebagai "Star of the Year" oleh Mellyana's Guardians. Pada Tahun 2012, ia terpilih sebagai Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik dalam ajang Piala Citra Festival Film Indonesia 2012 melalui aktingnya di film Test Pack.

1. Berdua Lebih Baik
2. Kenapa Malu 
3. Sampai Menutup Mata 
4. Ada Cinta 
5. My Heart 
6. Kehampaan Hati 
7. Ibu 

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Download lagu Rita Sugiarto

Rita Sugiarto atau yang memiliki nama asli Derita Kismiarti (lahir di Semarang, 19 September 1960) seorang penyanyi dangdut dan pencipta lagu dangdut legendaris. Namanya mulai dikenal sejak ia berduet dan mengisi suara dalam film-film Rhoma Irama, seperti Gitar Tua, Berkelana, dan Darah Muda.
Bakat besar sebagai penyanyi sudah ditunjukkan Rita Sugiarto sejak masih duduk di bangku SD. Ia berhasil menjuarai beberapa festival musik pop mulai dari tingkat kodya Semarang hingga tingkat provinsi. Di usianya yang sangat belia, 13 tahun ia memutuskan untuk hijrah ke Jakarta. Nasib baik pun menghampiri wanita bersuara dahsyat ini. Ia ditawari untuk berduet dengan Rhoma Irama menyanyikan lagu-lagu berirama dangdut. Hasilnya semua album duet yang dirilinsya bersama “Sang Raja Dangdut” laris manis dipasaran dan selalu meraih platinum. Sejak bergabung dengan Soneta pada tahun 1976 hingga 1981 sedikitnya 20 album telah dirilis. Antara lain: Darah Muda, Begadang II, dan Gitar Tua. Album terakhirnya bersama Rhoma Irama berjudul “Pemilu”, yang dirilis pada tahun 1981. Kemudian ia memutuskan untuk memisahan diri dengan sang guru Rhoma Irama yang sudah membesarkan namanya. Pada tahun 1981 ia menikah dengan Jacky Zimah.
Sebagai penyanyi dangdut senior, Rita Sugiarto dikenal sebagai sosok low profile, yang mau berbagi ilmu kepada yuniornya. Tak heran saat Persatuan Artis Musik Melayu Indonesia (PAMMI) menghujat penampilan Inul Daratista di awal tahun 2000-an, Rita tidak terlalu mempermasalahkan penampilan Inul. Bahkan Rita bersedia tampil satu panggung dengan penyanyi asal Pasuruan yang mengidolakan dirinya itu. Hal itu sempat membuat Raja Dangdut Rhoma Irama marah besar kepada Rita Sugiarto. Di tengah jadwal manggungnya yang padat, Rita pernah menjadikan komedian dan presenter Olga Syahputra sebagai asisten pribadinya.
Menikah dengan Zacky Zimah pada tahun 1981, Rita dikarunia 3 orang anak. Rita telah bercerai dengan suaminya dan anak sulungnya, Jerry Zimah telah meninggal secara mendadak pada 2008. Perceraian itu membuat Rita kecewa. Kekecewaan itu dituangkan dalam lagu-lagunya antara lain : Makan Hati, Pacar Dunia Akhirat,dan Serigala berbulu domba.

Agan2 dan mbak2 bisa dengerin atawa download lagu2 Rita Sugiarto dari link di bawah ini, klik satu2 y biar belajar sabar....

1. Biarlah Merana
2. Bulan Diranting Cemara
3. Bunga Pengantin
4. Cincin Permata Biru
5. Cinta Berawan
6. Ikhlas
7. Iming-Iming
8. Pacar Dunia Akhirat
9. Pria Idaman
10. Selalu Rindu
11. Semakin Sayang Semakin Kejam
12. Tega

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Download lagu Alan Walker

Alan Olav Walker (lahir 24 Agustus 1997) adalah produser rekaman dan DJ berkebangsaan Norwegia. Ia dikenal karena single "Faded", dengan menerima sertifikasi platinum lebih dari 10 negara yang berbeda. Alan Walker menempati peringkat 55 dalam DJ Mag's Top 100 DJs list of 2016.
Alan lahir pada 24 Agustus 1997, di Northampton, Inggris, anak dari Hidle Omdal Walker seorang berkebangsaan Norwegia dan Philip Alan Walker seorang pria Inggris. Dengan kelahiran, ia diberikan kewarganegaraan ganda atas dasar asal kedua orangtuanya yang berbeda warga negara. Pada usia dua tahun, ia pindah ke Bergen, Norwegia dengan orangtua dan kakak perempuannya. Alan tumbuh dengan dua saudara, seorang kakak perempuan Camilla Joy, lahir di Inggris, dan seorang adik laki-laki Andreas, lahir di Norwegia setelah keluarganya pindah dari Britania Raya.
Tumbuh di era digital, Alan menemukan minatnya dalam komputer yang kemudian berubah menjadi daya tarik untuk pemrograman dan desain grafis. Alan tidak punya sejarah musik, namun ia kemudian belajar sendiri dengan menjelajahi video-video YouTube tentang produksi musik.
Pada tahun 2012, ia mendengarkan lagu dari David Whistle (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai DJ Ness), dan meminta bantuan kepada DJ Italia bagaiamana ia memproduksi musik. Ia memulai seluruh musiknya di laptopnya dengan FL Studios. Pada tahun yang sama, ia memulai membuat musik di laptopnya dan lagunya segera menarik perhatian label rekaman.
Lagu Alan Walker "Faded" mendapatkan perhatian setelah dirilis tahun 2014 di YouTube melalui label rekaman NoCopyrightSounds. Lagunya memiliki lebih dari 200 juta penonton di YouTube, 50 juta di Spotify, dan 18 juta streams di SoundCloud. Hal ini telah menjadi lagu paling populer di saluran, serta salah satu latar belakang musik yang paling banyak digunakan di video YouTube. Lagu "Spectre" dan "Force" diikuti pada tahun 2015.

Download lagu-lagu Alan Walker klik link dibawah ini trus sobat dibawa masuk kedalam google drive, buat ngunduh dengan mengklik tanda panah dengan garis dibawahnya disisi kanan atas jendela google drive....Monggo di sedot aja semua lagu-lagu Alan Walker yang tersedia dibawah ini....
1. Alan Walker - Alone
1. Alan Walker - Faded
1. Alan Walker - Force
1. Alan Walker - Hope
1. Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep
1. Alan Walker - Spectre
1. Alan Walker - Stand Alone

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Download lagu Chainsmokers

The Chainsmokers adalah duo DJ Amerika yang terdiri dari Andrew Taggart dan Alex Pall.
Duo ini memiliki dua puluh empat single di Beberapa negara dengan Ulasan 2014 lagu "#Selfie", mencapai nomor enam belas di US Billboard Hot 100, nomor tiga di Australia, dan nomor sebelas di Inggris. Mereka merilis EP debut mereka, Bouquet, pada bulan Oktober 2015. Diikuti single "Roses" Mencapai top 10 di Billboard Hot 100, sementara "Don't Let Me Down" Menjadi Single top pertama mereka yang masuk 5 besar . "Closer", menampilkan vokal dari Halsey, Menjadi Single pertama yang masuk menjadi nomor satu mereka pada grafik.

Download link dibawah ini untuk lagu-lagu The Chainsmokers......
1. The Chainsmokers - All We Know ft. Phoebe Ryan
2. The Chainsmokers - Closer ft. Halsey
3. The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down ft. Daya
4. The Chainsmokers - New York City
5. The Chainsmokers - Roses ft. ROZES
6. The Chainsmokers & Tritonal - Until You Were Gone

Download Lagu SIA

Sia Kate Isobelle Furler (lahir di Adelaide, Australia, 18 Desember 1975; umur 42 tahun), atau lebih dikenal sebagai Sia adalah seorang penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Australia. Sia memulai karier sebagai penyanyi solo sejak merilis album perdananya "Only See".
Sia mulai terkenal setelah merilis single 'Taken For Granted' pada album 'Healing is Difficult'.
Sia kerap kali tampil menutupi wajahnya.

Pengen denger lagu2 SIA??? Download aja dibawah sini gaaaannnn!

1. SIA-Alive
2. SIA-Big Girls Cry
3. SIA-Black Blue
4. SIA-Chandelier
5. SIA-Elastic Heart
6. SIA-Freeze You Out
7. SIA-Never Give Up
8. SIA-The Greatest
9. SIA-Angel By The Wings
10. SIA-Bird Set Free
11. SIA-Californian Dremin'
12. SIA-Cheap Thrills
13. SIA-Eye of the Needle
14. SIA-I Forgive You
15. SIA-Soon We'll be Found
16. SIA-Unstopable

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Download Lagu BeeGees

Bee Gees sebuah grup musik asal Inggris yang didirikan oleh 3 orang bersaudara keluarga Gibb yaitu : Barry, Robbin dan Maurice Gibb. Grup musik ini telah berkiprah selama lebih dari 40 tahun sejak menikmati puncak kejayaan pertama mereka didunia musik tahun 1960-an. Mereka bisa mencapai 2 kali puncak kejayaan selama karier musik mereka yaitu di era 60-an hingga awal tahun 70-an sebagai trio yang membawakan lagu-lagu berirama softrock yang harmonis. Puncak kejayaan yang kedua mereka alami di akhir tahun 1970-an sebagai band yang beraliran disko.
Gibb bersaudara bersama-sama menciptakan semua lagu-lagu hits tidak hanya untuk mereka nyanyikan sendiri tapi juga untuk artis-artis lainnya. Selain menciptakan lagu mereka juga bertindak sebagai produser bagi artis lainnya di blantika musik dunia. Sepanjang hampir lima dekade karier mereka di dunia musik Bee Gees paling sedikit memiliki 1 lagu hits per dekade yang masuk dalam top 10 tangga lagu Amerika. 
Bee Gees diperkirakan secara total telah lebih menjual 200 juta keping rekaman sepanjang kariernya sehingga menempatkan mereka sebagai salah satu grup musik paling laris sepanjang sejarah dan mereka juga diabadikan di "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" pada tahun 1997 dan uniknya dalam tulisan di Bee Gees Hall of Fame tertulis "hanya Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Garry Brooks, Paul Mc Cartney dan Michael Jackson yang mampu menjual lebih banyak dari Bee Gees".
Setelah Maurice Gibb meninggal dunia secara mendadak pada 12 Januari 2003, Barry dan Robbin Gibb untuk sementara mengistirahatkan semua aktivitas Bee Gees yang selama 45 tahun tidak terputus. Pada 7 September 2009, Robbin Gibb mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya dan Barry Gibb telah setuju untuk membangun kembali Bee Gees dan manggung lagi. Robbin Gibb meninggal dunia pada 20 Mei 2012 setelah lama menderita kanker dan hingga saat ini hanya tinggal Barry Gibb yang masih hidup.

Download beberapa lagu Bee Gees yang hits di bawah ini :

1. How Deep is Your Love

2. Alone

3. Dont Forget to Remember

4. Emotion

5. First of May

6. Holiday

7. I Started a Joke

8. I've Gotta Get Message to You

9. Massachussets

10. Melody Fair

11. Satying Alive

12. To Love Somebody

13. Words

Download lagu Rod Stewart

Rod Stewart adalah seorang penulis lagu dan penyanyi lagu berdarah Skotlandia berkebangsaan Inggris bergenre pop rock, terlahir dengan nama asli Roderick David Stewart pada 10 Januari 1945 atau kira2 usianya 73 tahun saat ini. Dia berkarier didunia tarik suara sejak tahun 1962.
Rod merupakan salah satu penyanyi solo terbaik dengan penjualan album lebih dari 100 juta keping hingga saat ini. Dia pernah 6 kali berturut-turut menduduki puncak tangga lagu di Inggris sebagai album nomor 1, hebatnya lagi dari 62 lagu-lagunya, setengah diantaranya (31 lagu) pernah masuk dalam urutan Top 10 serta 6 diantaranya menjadi yang nomor 1 di puncak tangga lagu Inggris Raya. Beberapa lagunya juga pernah hits di blantika musik Indonesia tahun 1980an-1990an seperti : "I Dont Want to Talk About It", "Sailing" dan "Baby Jane".

Beberapa lagu Rod Stewart bisa didownload disini :
1. I Dont Want To Talk About It
2. Reason To Believe
3. First Cut is The Deepest
4. Baby Jane
5. Have You Ever Seen The Rain
6. Hot Leg
7. Maggie May
8. Sailing

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

Download lagu Elvie Sukaesih

Elvy Sukaesih was born in Jakarta on Juni 25, 1951 is a legend of Indonesian dangdut singer and called as "Queen of Dangdut". She was born of a couple from Sumedang, West Java.
Her real name is Else Sukaesih, but she obsessed to changed her name after read a novel story about a woman named Elvy. since that she was choice to used that name elvy as stage name. Career Elvy singing talent passed down from her father("abah" that was called by her family for father). Her father is a musician who's performed at musical events in the wedding party all around west java. Elvy started singing since 3rd grade elementary graduate, when followed her father performed music on a wedding party in sukabumi west java at 1964,when she was asked to sing on the stage by her father, and she was succees to performed on the stage for the first time.
Elvy has married when she was very young 14 year old with a young man arab descent, Zaidun Zeth. Her career as a singer started to success in early 1970 when it became a companion singer Rhoma Irama in Orkes Melayu (OM) Soneta, although previously she had been popular in various stage. After splitting from Sonneta at 1975, she still singing as solo singer and exist in dangdut music stage. She was until now regarded as one of the dangdut singer with the best sound quality, By the dangdut music fans she was known as the Queen of Dangdut Indonesia.
After success as a Dangdut singer, she also tried to explore the world of the film. Carrying quite a lot of national films that she starred in a Movie career. Her singing talent was followed by her daughter Fitria, she was popular as a little singer in the 80s - 90s. Fitria's daughter Bella also had become a little singer around 1997. Furthermore, her acting talent was followed by another daughter named Dhawiya, she was known in various roles in the soap opera titled comedy because it has a fat body.

You can download several elvie sukaesih's songs, click link below :
1. Air Mata Darah
2. Bimbang
3. Gedung Tua
4. Kabut Biru
5. Kereta Malam
6. Kopi Susu
7. Ku Bawa
8. Mandul
9. Rama & Shinta
10. Rindu
11. Sebuah Nama
12. Seujung Kuku

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Download Lagu GodBless

God Bless is an Indonesian rock band founded in 1973 by Ahmad Albar, Jockie Soerjoprajogo, Fuad Hassan, Donny Fattah, and Ludwig Lemans. It continues to be active and has received several awards from the Indonesian music industry.
God Bless was founded by Ahmad Albar (vocals), Jockie Soerjoprajogo (keyboard), Fuad Hassan (drums), Donny Fattah (bass), and Ludwig Lemans (guitar) in 1973. They had their first concert on 5 May 1973 at Taman Ismail Marzuki, which was followed on 16 August with the Summer 28 concert, the first (and, as of 2004, largest) open-air concert in Indonesia. During that period they also played at the Jakarta Fair, held near the National Monument. That same year the band acted in Ambisi (Ambition); Lemans left the band not long after to return to the Netherlands.
In 1975 the band opened for British rock band Deep Purple when the latter played in Jakarta. They released their first album, Huma di Atas Bukit (Rice Field on a Hill), the following year. The titular song for the progressive rock album, an adaptation of "Firth Of Fifth", from Genesis' 1973 album Selling England by the Pound, went on to be used as the theme song to Sjumadjaja's film Laila Majenun (Laila is Possessed).
Four years later, God Bless released Cermin (Mirror), which included more ballads and showed influences from Deep Purple and Van Halen; Abadi Soesman contributed a bit The band, in an off-again on-again state for the next several years, released their third album, Semut Hitam (Black Ants) in 1988; the album went on to be their most successful. This was followed by Raksasa (Monster; 1989), and Apa Kabar? (What's Up?; 1997).
God Bless performed a "duel" with Padi on 9 November 2011, a band twenty years their younger; held in the Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta, the duel was witnessed by over 200 people, greater than the capacity of the venue. In 2003 Jockie left the group; initially reported as being over creative differences, in October 2011 Jockie revealed that it was after a fight over Albar's drug habits. Jockie, once a drug user himself, was asked to tell Albar to stop using drugs; in response, Albar reportedly pulled a gun on him. Jockie was soon replaced by Abadi Soesman. Guitarist Ian Antono confirmed that a pistol was involved, but he thought it could be a toy; he stated that the argument flared up when Jockie insulted Albar's family.
In 2007, Yaya Moekito joined the band as a drummer. After Albar was imprisoned for drug possession in November 2007 and paroled in July 2008, in mid-2009, God Bless played at the Jakarta Fair and released another album, 36th. In late 2009 the band was pictured on the cover of Rolling Stone Indonesia. The following year, the band went on a cross-country tour, playing in nine cities and accompanied by Nidji, Gigi, Andra and The BackBone, and Naif. The band also played in the 2010 Djakarta Artmosphere festival.
On 14 June 2011, God Bless performed at the Hard Rock Cafe with Jibriel to celebrate founder's day; the latter group consists of two of Albar's sons, one of Jockie's, one of Antono's, and Albar's nephew Bagoes. In July, the band played at the Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta to celebrate its 40th anniversary. The following month, from 22 to 24 July 2011, the band performed at the InterMusic Java Rockin' Land alongside The Cranberries and Neon Trees. On 20 October 2011 Jockie posted on his Facebook wall that he was upset that the band continued to play songs written by him without paying royalties.
Tertiani Z.B. Simanjuntak, writing for The Jakarta Post, notes that God Bless often advocated the rights of the poor and working classes.
In a 2009 issue, Rolling Stone Indonesia ranked two of God Bless' songs as being among the 150 best Indonesian songs of all time: "Kehidupan" ("Life"), was ranked 8th, while "Rumah Kita" ("Our House") was ranked 22nd.
In August 2011 Kompas reported that Mira Lesmana and Riri Riza have spent two years producing a documentary about the band, to be titled Rockumentary.

Download GodBless songs by click all link below :
1. Panggung Sandiwara
2. Zakia
3. Bis Kota
4. Syair Kehidupan
5. Aku Bersaksi
6. Anakku
7. Bla Bla Bla
8. Damai Yang Hilang
9. Emosi
10. Huma Diatas Bukit
11. Kehidupan
12. Misteri
13. Rumah Kita
14. Semut Hitam
15. Serigala Jalanan
16. 8 Maret 1989 
17. Cendawan Kuning
18. Menjilat Matahari
19. Musisi
20. Raksasa
21. Sesat
22. Setan Tertawa

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

Download Gambang Kromong

Gambang Kromong known as Betawi ethnic music instruments, Gambang kromong (or written gambang keromong) is a kind of orchestra that combines gamelan with Chinese musical instruments, such as sukong, tehyan, and kongahyan. The term kambang gambang is derived from the names of two percussion instruments, namely gambang and kromong. The beginning of the formation of the gambang kromong orchestra can not be separated from a Chinese community leader who was appointed Dutch (Chinese captain) named Nie Hoe Kong (tenure 1736-1740).
Gambang mine which amounts to 18 pieces, usually made of suangking wood, huru batu, manggarawan or other kind of soft wooden sound when hit. Kromong is usually made of bronze or iron, amounting to 10 pieces (ten pencon). The tone used in the kromong gambang is the Chinese pentatonic scales, often called Chinese salendro or salendro mandalungan. Instruments in the kromong gambang consist of gambang, kromong, gong, drum, flute, kecrek, and sukong, tehyan, or kongahyan as the bearer of melody.
The gambang kromong orchestra is a harmonious blend of indigenous elements with Chinese elements. Physically, the Chinese element looks at the stringed instruments of sukong, tehyan, and kongahyan. The combination of both elements of culture is also visible in the treasury of his songs. In addition to songs that show indigenous traits, such as Dalem (Classical) songs entitled: Centeh Manis Standing, Mas Nona, Ganting Sugar, Semar Gunem, Ganting Sugar, Tanjung Burung, Kula Nun Salah, and Rose Spilled and so on, and songs Sayur (Pop) entitled: Jali-jali, Stambul, Centeh Manis, Surilang, Persi, Balo-balo, Akang Haji, Renggong Buyut, Payung Snapper, Kramat Karem, Onde-onde, Ngunguk Wren, Lenggang Kangkung, Sirih Kuning and many more, there are also songs that are clearly Chinese-style, both the name of the song, the flow of melodies and lyrics, such as Kong Ji Liok, Sip Pat Mo, Poa Si Li Tan, Peh Pan Tau, Cit No Sha, Ma Cun Tay, Cu Te Pan, Cay Cu Teng, Si Si Cay, Lo Fuk Cen, and many others.
The songs that are performed on gambang kromong music are songs that are humorous, full of joy, and sometimes mockery or sarcasm. Her songwriting is sung in rotation between men and women as opposed to her.
Gambang kromong is Betawi music which is the most distributed in Betawi culture area, either in DKI Jakarta area or in the surrounding area (Jabotabek). If there are more peranakan Chinese in the local Betawi community, there are more gang kromong orchestra groups. In North Jakarta and West Jakarta, for example, there are more gambang kromong groups than in South Jakarta and East Jakarta.
Today there is also the term "combination kromong gambang". Combination of kromong combinations is a gambang kromong orchestra whose tools are added or combined with modern Western musical instruments such as melodic guitar, bass, guitar, organ, saxophone, drums and so on, resulting in a change from the pentatonic barrel to diatonic without disturbing. It does not diminish the peculiarities of the kromong itself, and the songs played are fair and not forced.

Below you can download some of Gambang Kromong songs here :
1. Balo-Balo
2. Cente Manis
3. Kicir-Kicir
4. Kue Pepe Diloyangin
5. Ondel-Ondel
6. Rokok Kretek
7. Sayur Asem
8. Si Jali-Jali
9. Si Jampang
10. Sirih Kuning
11. Stambul
12. Surilang

Download lagu Tarling

Tarling is one kind of popular music in coastal area north (pantura) of West Java, especially area of Indramayu and Cirebon. The name of the tarling is identified by the name of the instrument gitar (guitar) and suling (flute) and the term of Yen wis mlatar gage eling (If so many sinful repent immediately). The origins of tarling began to appear around 1931 in the village of Kepandean, District / District Indramayu.Strains of guitar and bamboo flute that presents music Dermayonan and Cerbonan it began to infect around the decade of the 1930s.
At that time, young people in various villages in Indramayu and Cirebon, accepted it as a lifestyle. Favorite and popular trends, in jondol or ranggon so many young people love to play it, the art of music is getting loved. In 1935, the tarling music was also equipped with a soap box that served as a drum, and a jug as a gong. Then in 1936, the strains of tarling equipped with other musical instruments such as baskom and small ketipung that serves as percussion. But certainly, the name of the tarling when it has not been used as a type of musical flow. At that time the name used to call this type of music is Melodi Kota Ayu for Indramayu and Melodi Kota Udang for Cirebon region. And the new tarling name was inaugurated when RRI often broadcast this type of music and by the Government Agency Daily (currently DPRD or Regional Parliamentary) on August 17, 1962 inaugurated the name Tarling as the official name of the music.
But one thing is for sure, the art of tarling at this time though has been almost extinct. However, tarling forever will not be separated from the history of pantura coastal communities. Because tarling is their soul, by joining the sawer on stage or just looking at it, and hear it as if able to eliminate the burden of life burden. Song lyrics and stories told in it, also able to provide an enlightening and entertaining moral message.

You can try to listen or download this kind of tarling musics below :
1. Tarling-Banyu Urip
2. Tarling-Dharma Bakti
3. Tarling-Jala Sutra
4. Tarling-Kidang Mas
5. Tarling-Lahir Bathin
6. Tarling-Ngati-ati
7. Tarling-Ngumbara
8. Tarling-Saedah Saba Desa
9. Tarling-Segagang Melati
10. Tarling-Sunya Rangi
11. Tarling-Wangsit Pujangga

Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

Download Lagu KoesPlus

Koes Plus, formerly Koes Bersaudara (Koes Brothers), is an Indonesian musical group that enjoyed success in the 1960s and 1970s. Known as one of Indonesia's classic musical acts, the band peaked in popularity in the days far before the advent of private television companies, delivering stripped-down pop and rock songs at the then-only TV station, TVRI.
In 2007, Rolling Stone Indonesia magazine placed 6 of the band's studio albums on their 150 Greatest Indonesian Albums of All Time list. Those are Dheg Dheg Plas (1969) at number 4, To The So Called The Guilties (1967) at number 6, Koes Bersaudara (1964) at number 14, Koes Plus Volume 2 (1970) at number 21, Koes Plus Volume 4 (1971) at number 30 and Koes Plus Volume 5 (1971) at number 38.
In addition, Rolling Stone put 10 of the band's songs on the 150 Greatest Indonesian Songs of All Time list. The songs are "Bis Sekolah" (1964) at number 4, "Kembali Ke Jakarta" (1969) at number 6, "Nusantara I" (1971) at number 19, "Kolam Susu" (1973) at number 31, "Bunga Di Tepi Jalan" (1971) at number 80, "Kelelawar" (1969) at number 83, "Manis dan Sayang" (1969) at number 88, "Pelangi" (1972) at number 92, "Jemu" (1975) at number 100 and "Di Dalam Bui" (1967) at number 126.
Early days and controversy
Hailing from the Bojonegoro-Tuban area in East Java, the band started out as Koes Bersaudara (Koes Brothers), initially consisting of all five Koeswoyo brothers: John Koeswoyo, Yok Koeswoyo, Yon Koeswoyo, Nomo Koeswoyo and Tonny Koeswoyo. Its antics of pioneering Beatles-influenced rock and roll subculture in Indonesia proved to be controversial. Such subcultures had been banned by President Sukarno in the early 1960s, and in 1965 the brothers were arrested by the Highest Operation Commando (KOTI) for performing covers of Beatles songs. They were eventually released just the day preceding the nation's coup d'état, on 29 September. This experience resulted in their song "Di Dalam Bui".
Koes PlusWhen drummer Nomo quit in 1969, Murry was invited to fill the niche, but the decision caused an internal uproar as the band was initially projected as a family act. The feud was resolved by rebaptizing the band as Koes Plus. It consisted of the Koeswoyos plus an outsider; hence the name. Music historians have hypothesized that it was Murry's heavy drumming which led to the band incorporating rock tunes within their generally ballad-heavy albums.
Koes Plus' early days were rugged, as record companies insisted on rejecting them. Murray became frustrated at some point and temporarily quit the band, distributing their records freely as well as joining several other acts. Not until their songs were played on the state radio network did they gain considerable fame.
Koes Plus never owned any legal rights pertaining to their works; they received only flat payment of approximately three million rupiahs for each album they recorded. While this meant that their record label was willing to produce a huge number of albums by Koes Plus due to the small investment involved, it also meant that the band never enjoyed any form of royalties whenever their works are being reproduced. As such, they rely upon their continuing live performances for their income.
Murry (Kasmuri) died on February 1st, 2014 in Jatisampurna, Bekasi, West Java, when he was 65 yo.

Download several songs of Koes Plus by click link below :
1. Andaikan Kau Datang Kembali
2. Ayah
3. Buat Apa Susah
4. Bujangan
5. Bunga Ditepi Jalan
6. Diana
7. Hidup Yang Sepi
8. Kembali ke Jakarta
9. Kolam Susu
10. Layang-Layang
11. Mengapa
12. Tuljaenak

Download lagu Vina Panduwinata

Dewi Sastaviyana Panduwinata, better known by her stage name Vina Panduwinata, is an Indonesian singer and songwriter. The song "Kumpul Bocah" is cited as her signature song. Her song "Burung Camar" was listed by Rolling Stone Indonesia as the 28th-best Indonesian song of all time.
Vina Panduwinata was born in Bogor, West Java, on 6 August 1959 to Raden Panduwinata and Albertine Supit; she was the eighth of ten children. Her father was a diplomat who was first stationed in India, but later went to West Germany from 1975 to 1979. While in Germany, she recorded an album for RCA Records entitled Java, which included four tracks; it was released in 1978.
After returning to Indonesia from Germany in 1981, Panduwinata made her debut Indonesian album, Citra Biru (Blue Image). The album was produced by Addie MS and featured songs written by numerous songwriters, including James F. Sundah and Dodo Zakaria; it was released on Jackson Records and Tapes. This was followed by Citra Pesona (Enchanting Image). In 1982 Panduwinata went to Thailand to perform at the Bangkok International Film Festival together with Roy Marten, Melky Goeslaw, and Dewi Yull. In 1983 Panduwinata was invited by Chrisye to perform "Kisah Insani" ("Humans' Tale"), a duet on Chrisye's album Sendiri (Alone). In Chrisye's biography, Panduwinata said that she was surprised and shocked by the invitation. The following year she released her third studio album, Citra Ceria (Bright Image), which included the single "Di Dadaku Ada Kamu" ("In My Chest There is You"). Two years later, Panduwinata sung "Burung Camar" ("Seagull") at the 1985 Indonesian Pop Song Festival; she went on to sing it at the World Popular Song Festival in Japan. Panduwinata released several further albums, including Cinta (Love; 1985), Cium Pipiku (Kiss My Cheek; 1987), Wow! (1989), and Rasa Sayang Itu Ada (That Loving Feeling is There; 1992).
On 8 November 2001, Panduwinata performed at the Divas of Southeast Asia concert held in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta together with Indonesian singers Krisdayanti and Titi DJ, Filipino singer Kuh Ledesma, and Malaysian singers Siti Nurhaliza, Fauziah Latiff, and Sheila Majid. Attended by 2,000 people, the concert saw Panduwinata perform a medley of four of her songs as well as a duet with Majid. On 18 February 2006 Panduwinata held a solo concert, Viva Vina, at the Plenary Hall of the Jakarta Convention Centre. At the concert, attended by 3,000 people, she performed a set of 23 songs beginning with "Aku Makin Cinta". Wearing three costumes during the concert, beginning with a modified kebaya and ending with an Anne Avantie design, Panduwinata received a standing ovation at the end.
Three years later, Panduwinata held the Fantastic Gold Vina Panduwinata to celebrate her birthday. She also donated the dress that she had worn in the Viva Vina concert to the Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta. In 2010 she released a collaborative album, entitled Kekuatan Cinta (The Power of Love), which dealt with themes of life, religion, and love. Influences Panduwinata was influenced by the vocal stylings of Dionne Warwick, Samantha Sang, Barbra Streisand, and Karen Carpenter. She further influenced other Indonesian and Malaysian singers, including Sheila Majid.
Awards and accolades
"Burung Camar", sung byVina Panduwinata, won the 1985 Indonesian Pop Song Festival. It went on to win the Kawakami Award at the 1985 World Popular Song Festival, outperforming entries from other finalists such as Latoya Jackson and David Pomeranz, with the awards ceremony held at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, Japan, on 27 October. In its December 2009 issue, Rolling Stone Indonesia listed two of Panduwinata's songs as being among the 150 best Indonesian songs of all time. "Burung Camar" from the Indonesian Pop Song Festival's album, was ranked 28th, while "Kumpul Bocah" from Cinta was ranked 67th. Personal life
Vina Panduwinata married Boy Haryanto Joedo Soembono on 26 November 1989. They have a son, Joedo Harvianto Kartiko. Vina's nephews, Shaka Tamaputra Panduwinata and Miguel Gyasi Panduwinata, who held Dutch passport, have become victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Eastern Ukraine.

Here if you can try to hear Vina's best songs, you just click one or more title below.....
1. Agar Kau Mengerti
2. Aku Makin Cinta
3. Cinta
4. Diantara Kita
5. Dua Anak Manusia
6. Mawar Merah
7. Selamat Tinggal Kenangan
8. Aku Melangkah Lagi
9. Didadaku Ada Kamu
10. Citra Biru
11. Rembulan
12. Anakku
13. Bawa Daku
14. Biru
15. Dia
16. Kasmaran
17. Kumpul Bocah
18. Masih Adakah Ceria
19. Rasa Sayang Itu Ada
20. Satu Dalam Nada Cinta
21. Sepercik Damai
22. September Ceria
23. Si Bogel
24. Kasih
25. Maaf
26. Burung Camar
27. Surat Cinta

Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

Download lagu Nicky Astria

Nicky Astria, is a stage name from Nicky Nastitie Karya Dewi or Nicky Nastitie Karya Dewi Wirahadimaja (born in Bandung, on October 18th, 1967) is a female rock singer from Indonesia. Ian Antono has said that she is a greatest female rock singer which once Indonesian have. Bruce Emond from The Jakarta Post described that Nicky Astria as "one of the greatest Indonesian music stars of the 1980s.
Nicky Astria is a native of Sundanese from both parents. His father was named Tatang Kosasih Wirahadimaja and his mother was Andrina Heryat. Nicky's talent as a singer was discovered by rock legend guitarist Ian Antono on an inter-high school art expression. Some of the song songs that catapulted his name were Tangan-Tangan Setan (Satan's Hands), Jarum Neraka (Hell Needles), and Pijar (Flares).
Nicky has ever been married with Satria Kamal, or more familiar name known as Mamay. Her marriage failed. They have 2 children, Zana Chobhita Arethusa and Bhatari Hana Amadea. Nicky was married again to Hendra Priyadi Sumartoyo, a music studio owner, on June 21st, 2003. The same fate with her first marriage, this marriage lasted only 15 months, and they divorced in September 2004. After divorce, Nicky married for the third time with Gunanta Afrina on July 5th, 2005, and have a daughter on April 4th, 2007.

You can Download Several songs of Nicky Astria by click link below :

1. Biar Semua Hilang
2. Bidadari
3. Cinta Dikota Tua
4. Gelombang Kehidupan
5. Kupeluk Sepi
6. Lentera Cinta
7. Mengapa
8. Misteri Cinta
9. Pijar
10. Samar Bayangan
11. Tertipu Lagi
12. Uang
13. Tangan-Tangan Setan
14. Jalan Panjang
15. Kau
16. Mata Lelaki
17. Matahari dan Rembulan

Senin, 14 Mei 2018

download lagu ebiet g ade

Ebiet G. Ade (born Abid Ghoffar Aboe Dja’far; 21 April 1954) is an Indonesian singer and songwriter. His musical styles are pop, ballad and country. He has released 21 studio albums and 25 compilation albums. Early life Ebiet G. Ade was born in Wonodadi, Banjarnegara, Central Java on 21 April 1954. He lived in Yogyakarta since elementary school. During high school, he joined Pelajar Islam Indonesia. In 1971, he associated with artists Yogyakarta, including Emha Ainun Nadjib. He was interested in poetry and wanted to be a poet. However, he was unable to read poems properly. He instead sang his poems after adding melodies.
Musical career Albums In 1979, he released his first studio album, Camellia I. His voice is similar to John Denver and Said Effendi. Notable songs from this album were "Lagu untuk Sebuah Nama" ("Song for a Name"), "Pesta" ("Party") and "Camellia". The album was sold more than 2 million copies. In 1995, Kupu-Kupu Kertas (Paper Butterflies) was released. In this album, Ebiet was helped by his fellow musicians, including Billy J. Budiardjo, Erwin Gutawa, Ian Antono and Purwacaraka. Rock music is dominant in this album.
In 2007, he released In Love: 25th Anniversary which is dedicated to his wife of 25 years. The album was released by Trinity Optima Production. During production, he was helped by Anto Hoed and his children. There are 15 singles from album Camellia I to Camellia 4 on this album.
Most of Ebiet's songs are about disaster. In June 1978, Ebiet wrote "Berita Kepada Kawan" ("News for a Friend") after a poisonous gas disaster in Dieng Plateau. In 1981, he wrote "Sebuah Tragedi 1981" ("A Tragedy, 1981") regarding the sinking of KMP Tampomas II in the Masalembu Islands. After 1982 Galunggung eruption, he wrote "Untuk Kita Renungkan" ("For Us to Think About"), while the Bintaro train crash inspired him to write "Masih Ada Waktu" ("There is Still Time"). Another theme of his songs is love, such as in "Lagu Untuk Sebuah Nama", "Elegi Esok Pagi" ("Elegy for Tomorrow") and "Cinta di Kereta Biru Malam" ("Love on the Blue Night Train"), which is about a romantic relationship with a girl on a train
Rolling Stone Indonesia put his name into 50 Greatest Indonesian Singers.
Personal life
He married Yayuk Sugianto (Koespudji Rahayu) in 1982. They have 4 children together, Abietyasakti Ksatria Kinasih, Adaprabu Hantip Trengginas, Byatriasa Pakarti Linuwih and Segara Banyu Bening.

You can download several songs of Ebiet G Ade below :

1. Aku Ingin Pulang
2. bunga-bunga cinta
3. Cinta Sebening Embun
4. Dia Lelaki Ilham Dari Surga
5. Berita Kepada Kawan
6. Biarlah Aku Diam
7. Bingkai Mimpi
8. Nyanyian Rindu
9. Masih Ada Waktu
10. Seraut Wajah
11. Sepucuk Surat Cinta
12. Kalian Dengarkah Keluhanku
13. Episode Cinta Yang Hilang 
14. Elegi Esok Pagi
15. Dosa Siapa, Ini Dosa Siapa?
16. Camelia I
17. Camelia II
18. Camelia III
19. Camelia IV
20. Apakah Ada Bedanya
21. Tetes-Tetes Doa Kami
22. Nyanyian Rindu untuk Ibu
23. Kupu-Kupu Kertas

Download lagu Agnez Mo

Agnez Mo is a popular name of an indonesian singer Agnes Monica Muljoto ( was born in Jakarta, 1st July 1986 ). She started her career in entertainment industry when she at the age of six as a young singer. Agnez has released three children's songs albums that managed to deliver her name to a row of popular singers in the 1990s. In addition to singing, he also became a presenter on several children's television shows. As a teenager, Agnez began to plunge into the world of role art. His appearance in the soap opera Early Marriage (2001) successfully catapulted his name. Agnez then starred in a series of soap operas that make him the most expensive adolescents at the time.

Agnez was awarded two consecutive years for her performance at the Asia Song Festival in Seoul, South Korea, in 2008 and 2009. On her third album, Sacredly Agnezious (2009), she became involved as a producer and songwriter. In 2010, he was appointed as one of the judges in the Indonesian Idol talent search event. He also became one of the hosts on the red carpet pegelaran American Music Awards 2010 in Los Angeles, United States.
As Agnez spiked to the top of his popularity, his appearance and fashion style became a trend among youngsters. In addition to his commercial success, Agnez is the most award-winning singer in Indonesia. He has won dozens of trophies, including ten Indonesian Anugerah Musik, seven Panasonic Awards, and four MTV Indonesia Awards. In addition, he has been trusted to be an ambassador of anti-drugs in Asia as well as ambassador MTV EXIT in combating human trafficking.

Download several Agnez Mo's songs below :

1. Cinta Diujung Jalan
2. Godai Aku Lagi
3. Jera 
4. Karena Ku Sanggup
5. Matahariku 
6. Muda (Le O Le O) 
7. Rapuh 
8. Rindu 
9. Seputih Hati 
10. Tak Ada Logika 
11. Tanpa Kekasihku 
12. Teruskanlah 

Minggu, 13 Mei 2018

Download Cianjuran

In Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia where this originated music is called mamaos. Named Tembang Sunda Cianjuran since the 1930s and inaugurated in 1962 when the Tembang Sunda together meeting held throughout Pasundan in Bandung.
Art mamaos is a Sundanese vocal art with a musical instrument kacapi indung, kacapi rincik, suling, and or rebab. Mamaos was formed during the reign of Cianjur RAA. Kusumaningrat (1834-1864). Regent Kusumaningrat in making songs often housed in a building called Pancaniti. Hence he is famous for the name Kangjeng Pancaniti. At first the mamaos were sung by men. New in the first quarter of the 20th century mamaos can be learned by women. It is proven by the emergence of female mamaos interpreter, such as Rd. Siti Sarah, Rd. Anah Ruhanah, Ibu Imong, Mrs. O'oh, Ibu Resna, and Nyi Mas Saodah.

Mamaos material comes from various Sundanese sound art, such as pantun, beluk (mamaca), degung, and Javanese macapat song, namely pupuh. Mamaos songs taken from the vocals of pantun art called pantun song or papantunan, or also called Pajajaran song, taken from the name of the Sunda palace in the past. While the songs that come from the material pupuh called tembang. Both show the rules of rumpaka (text). While both vocal techniques use Sundanese processed vocal materials. But in the end both techniques of making this rumpaka there are combined. Songs of papantunan too many are made with the rules of pupuh. In the early days of its creation, Cianjuran was a revitalization of Pantun art. Kacapi and the technique to play it is still clear from the art of Pantun. Similarly, the songs are almost all from the art of Pantun. Rumpaka song was taken from the story Pantun Mundinglaya Dikusumah. During the reign of the RAA regent. Prawiradiredja II (1864-1910) mamaos art began to spread to other areas. Rd. Etje Madjid Natawiredja (1853-1928) is among the mamaos who played a role in this spreading. He is often invited to teach mamaos to districts in Priangan, among them by the regent of Bandung RAA. Martanagara (1893-1918) and RAA. Wiranatakoesoemah (1920-1931 & 1935-1942). When the mamaos spread to other areas and the songs that used the pattern of the puppets were numerous, the people outside Cianjur (and some associations in Cianjur) called mamaos by the name of the Sundanese tembang or Cianjuran, because this art is typical and originated from Cianjur. Similarly, when the radio NIROM Bandung in the 1930s broadcast this art call it with Cianjuran song.

Actually the term mamaos only shows the songs that have the pattern of pupuh (tembang), because the term mamaos is a refinement of the word mamaca, the art of reading books wawacan story by sung. Wawacan books that use the rule of this pupuh there is a melagukan with rancag chanting techniques and techniques. Mamaos songs harmonized pelog (degung), Sorog (nyorog, madenda), salendro, and mandalungan. Based on the material origin and the nature of the song mamaos grouped in several wanda, namely: papantunan, jejemplangan, dedegungan, and rarancagan. Now also added type kakawen and panambih as its own wanda. Songs mamaos of the type of tembang many use the pattern of pupuh Kinanti, Sinom, Asmarandana, and Dangdanggula, and there is a song from other pupuh. The songs in the wand of papantunan include Papatat, Rajamantri, Mupu Kembang, Randegan, Randegan Kendor, Kaleon, Manyeuseup, Balagenyat, Putri Layar, Pangapungan, Rajah, Gelang Gading, Candrawulan, While in wanda jejemplangan of which consists of Jemplang Panganten, Jemplang, Cidadap, Jemplang Leumpang, Jemplang Titi, Jemplang Pamirig, and so on. Wanda dedegungan include Sinom Degung, Asmarandana Degung, Durma Degung, Dangung Degung, Rumangsang Degung, Panangis Degung and so on. Wanda rarancagan in between; Manangis, Bayubud, Sinom Polos, Kentar Cisaat, Kentar Ajun, Liwung Sinom, Asmarandana Rancag, Setra, Satria, Kulu-kulu Barat, Udan Mas, Udan Iris, Dangdanggula Pancaniti, Garutan, Porbalinggo, Erang Barong and so on. Wanda kakawen include: Sebrakan Sapuratina, Sebrakan Pelog, Toya Mijil, Wood Supreme, and so on. Wanda panambih include: Slave Ceurik, Toropongan, Kulu-kulu Gandrung Gunung, Renggong Gede, Panyileukan, Selabintana, Soropongan, etc ..
At first mamaos serves as a musical entertainment tool of hospitality among the folk. But mamaos now, in addition to still like the original function, has also become a entertainment art that is profitable by artists such as art. Mamaos is now often used in entertainment celebrations of marriage, circumcision, and various purposes of entertainment or traditional events.

You can listen or download some of cianjuran songs. Click the links below :

1. Cianjuran-Ayun Ambing

2. Cianjuran-Ceurik Rahwana

3. Cianjuran-Sekar Manis

4. Cianjuran-Udan Mas Udan Iris

5. Cianjuran-Jaka Sunda

6. Cianjuran-Bangbara

7. Cianjuran-Rajah Galunggung

8. Cianjuran-Rajah Pamuka

9. Cianjuran-Mupu Kembang

Download lagu Doel Sumbang

Doel Sumbang, known as a famous sundanese musicians from Bandung West Java Indonesia. A singer, whose real name is Abdul Wahyu Affandi first time starting a career in the art world when he joined the theater Remy Silado. The origin of the name "Doel" is when he is in the theater Remy Silado, and the name "Sumbang" pinned him for the songs that he is playing identical with the impression quirky, punk, vulgar, and eccentric.
Abdul Wahyu Affandi or better known as the Doel sumbang was born in Bandung, West Java, May 16, 1963, is a musician from West Java. He began his career in the theater in "theater Remy Silado". From there he gained the nickname "Doel", the name "Sumbang" is associated with songs eccentric, vulgar, and punk. He achieved success through her duet with Nini Carlina through the song "Kalau Bulan Bisa Ngomong","Aku Cinta Kamu" and "Rindu Aku Rindu Kamu" as well as a duet with Ikko through songs Cuma Kamu.
Doel Sumbang also known as Sunda musicians. He sings songs about the lives around Sunda. Doel Aumbang also several times acted as a songwriter for singers in Indonesia, such as Ikko, Ita Purnamasari, Yhanti Yuning also in duet Agnes Monica and Eza Yayang who was then still a child singer in the album YA!. Works - his work is comparatively quite a lot as well as his strong character as a musician and singer made often equated with other musicians such as Ebiet G Ade, or Iwan Fals. Doel Sumbang successful to reach for his song titled "Kalau Bulan Bisa Ngomong" In the song, she collaborated with Nini Carlina. He was also popular through the song titled "Rindu Aku Rindu Kamu" "Cuma Kamu" and "Aku Cinta Kamu".
Doel also the Sunda ethnic music artists. He did much to bring the songs associated with the ethnic culture of the Sundanese people. Through the cold hands, he has a lot to create the next song sung by renowned singers like Ita Purnamasari Indonesia, Yhantu Yuning, Ikko, and much more. Songs Doel's work is quite a lot that can be said that the quality of the Doel Contribute as a musician country has been able to compete with other top singers such as Iwan Fals and Ebiet G. Ade. A series of song titles ever Doel bring them is "Kali Merah", "Solehah", "Ai", "Aku Si Raja Goda", "Aku Tidak Sinting", "Aku Tikus dan Kucing", "Awewe Sapi Daging", "Ah Hoream , "Anjeun", "Bandung", "Beja Ti Jurig", "Berenyit", "Barade", and many more Sundanese songs.

You can download several of Doel Sumbang songs below :
1. Bagja Jeung Cinta
2. Bogoh Jeung Saha
3. Bulan Batu Hiu
4. A'i
5. Bandung
6. Beja ti Jurig
7. Berenyit
8. Ceu Romlah
9. Ditalipak
10. Jampe-jampe Harupat
11. Jawara Banci
12. Jol
13. Kumaha
14. Lalaki
15. Martini
16. Mumun
17. Naha Salah
18. Nani
19. Pangandaran
20. Pepeling
21. Polisi
22. Ringsek
23. Dor Dar
24. Duriat
25. Hanjakal
26. Kaduhung Panggih
27. Kateyep
28. Laut
29. Urang Sunda

Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

download lagu opick

Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus, or better known by the name Opick was born in Jember, East Java, March 16, 1974, is a singer-songwriter and religious songs Javanese ethnicity nationality Indonesia. His name is known by one of his works, Dealova, sung by Once Mekel. This song is the original sound track of the film with the same title.

Background Istighfar His first album was released in 2005. The first month after its release, the album was able to print double platinum with sales of more than 300 thousand copies. In the album, the song is titled insert Opick Tombo Ati into his solo album. Earlier, Opick incorporate the song into a compilation album and Nasyid Tausiyah Dhikr. Album Istighfar success in the market, to penetrate more than 800 thousand copies and was awarded five platinum as well. Because of his activities in Islamic songs, Opick been named as an ambassador for the music group Islamic Nasyid by ANN institutions (institutions nasyid archipelago).
In 2006 a man who claimed to have had a band that brought the songs of rock's released his second album titled Semesta Bertasbih (2006). In the album there are ten songs, including Taqwa, Irhamna, Takdir, Teranglah Hati, 25 Nabi, Semesta Bertasbih, Bismillah, Satu Rindu, Buka Mata Buka Hati and Yaa Rasul. The hit song in the album is Takdir had sung together Melly Goeslaw. In addition to Melly, Opick also a duet with Wafiq Azizah, teenagers who excel as an international child qoriah best in songs Yaa Rasul. There is also collaboration with nasyid group Ungu, Pandawa Lima in the song Teranglah Hati. In August 2006, shortly after launching his second album, brought out a book entitled Opick Opick, Oase Spiritual Dalam Senandung.

Download Opick's songs below :

1. Bila Waktu Tlah Berakhir
2. Bismillah
3. DenganMu Aku Hidup
4. Dibawah LangitMu
5. Ketika Cinta Memanggil
6. Astagfirullah
7. Dealova
8. Irhamna
9. Kembali Pada Allah
10. Kesaksian Diri
11. Rapuh
12. Shalawat Nabi
13. Taqwa
14. Tiada Duka Yang Abadi
15. Tombo Ati
16. Cukup Bagiku
17. Takdir
18. Khusnul Khotimah
19. Semesta Bertasbih

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

download lagu-lagu Bimbo

Bimbo is a music group from Bandung Indonesia which was established around 1967. Bimbo personnel consisting of three brothers Sam, Acil and Jaka. And in the course of music then coupled by their sister Iin Parlina. They croon about love. Joking in the song, began about the mustache, hands, eyes, until the prospective in-laws or make social satire. However, Bimbo also talking about the Lord God through song.
History They were born in flower city Bandung west java Indonesia from a couple Raden Drajat Hardjakusumah and his wife Oeken Kenran. Sam the elder son of a small love to sing even that followed by his little brothers whos love to sing too. In the midle 1950 Sam and Acil are fans of Sam Saimun a Indonesian famous singer at that time. Towards the end of the 1950s Elvis Presley began to enter Indonesia. They were teenagers at the time, too contaminated. From the previous style ala seriosa Pavarotti, they are affected by rock music in the style of Elvis.
Career The Alulas At the end 1950s Sam and his brother Acil when still learning in senior high school performed music group named The Alulas in Bandung. At 1959s within helped by they friend, Jessy Wenas They have managed to become the winner of the band festival at Hotel Homann Bandung.
Aneka Nada After graduating high school, the mid-1950s until the 1960s they began to build a career in music seriously. In 1962s they changed the band name become Aneka Nada Band. Sam and Acil became the vocalist. Guntur Soekarno Putra, the first son of the first President of Indonesia joined too with them, cause they because they happen to both studying at ITB. Aneka Nada members at that time consisted of Sam (vocals), Atjil (vocals and guitar, Guntur Sukarnoputra (guitar), Iwan (Bass), Jessy Wenas as guitar player and sing, Indradi (Drummer), and Memet Slamet (vocals). Aneka Nada many Latin American rhythmic music plays rhythmic Cha-Cha like the song Trio Los Ponchos. There's also a little bit Western songs, rhythmic rock, but not much because there is a ban on music rock at that time. The band managed to make the first record titled Kampungku recorded by Lokananta Solo. This song then playing in RRI Bandung and other cities that made them well known. They also had a tour of various cities in Indonesia. Had also occurred in the personnel lineup changes the band with the release of Iwan and the replacement Indradi with Dodo.
Formed Bimbo Trio Los Bimbos Bimbo Band formed in Bandung city by 3 brothers, Muhammad Samsudin Dajat Hardjakusumah (Sam), Darmawan Dayat Hardjakusumah (Acil) dan Jaka Purnama Dajat Hardjakusumah (Jaka) at 1967s. When the formation Sam got a lot of advice from a his friend namely FR Pattirane, who added they knowledge about the music, especially in terms of music harmony. Bimbo name gave by Hamid Gruno, a TVRI director, Bimbo name gave at 1967s, when they showed on TVRI for the fist time they have no name for this band. cause that Hamid Gruno asked them to use Bimbo name that have meaning "Good", Since that time they used Trio Los Bimbos as they band name.
Trio Bimbo After that they changed name Trio Los Bimbos become Trio Bimbo to be more impressed as the local group. at the begining Trio Bimbo influenced many Latin Music, they think that Latin music is almost similarly to the Sundanese music. Latin Percussion many disposable songs and song Sunda many disposable drum, Its proximity is also the dominant minor tone. At 1969s Trio Bimbo have tried to offer their music concept to record at Remaco recording studio but they music demo has denied by Remaco the reason that their music not in accordance with Indonesian people.
Trio Bimbo Have Contract in Singapore Trio Bimbo been contracted for three months to sing at the Ming Court Hotel in numbers Orchard, Singapore. There they played almost every night entertaining the hotel guests from different countries as well as Singapore's own citizens. Approaching their contracts nearing completion, Bimbo was the time it is actually almost broke up. Acil and Jody should return their completed courses. Sam who already graduated from the Fine Arts Department of ITB does not want himself to linger in the land. Then they tried to make an album for a keepsake. Before returning to Indonesia, Bimbo had recorded the album with the record company Polydor label Fontana, Singapore, 1970.
Trio Bimbo Recording Album I Recording in the studio Kinetex involving jazz artists Maryono on flute and saxophone, as well as Mulyono on piano. Incidentally both are also contracted to play in Singapore. The album contains 12 songs, among others Jasmine from Jayagiri and Flamboyan compositions Iwan Rachman. Unexpectedly, after the album was released to the market had burst. An irony to the group that in 1969 was rejected outright by Remaco in Indonesia, it gained recognition in the neighboring country. On the back cover of this album there is a liner notes, among others reads: "Singing is an art medium most quickly touch someone's feelings. Without going through the words, someone could be carried away. "And in fact, the listener is carried away listening to vocal dangling from Bimbo's Trio. Trio Bimbo's presence makes the listener when it was deja vu as the aura ala Trio Los Panchos and Brother Fours. Acil vocal timbre even lower, as the twin of Andy Williams nuanced male golden voice. On side A of this album, Trio Bimbo sing Indonesian songs being ngetop the time such as "Sweet And Sajang" by the late Tony Koeswoyo which is hits Koes Plus 1969 on the album "Dheg Dheg Plas", as well as two songs companions Djaka, Iwan Rachman "Jasmine From My Community" and "Flamboyant". These two songs later became a sort of trademark for Bimbo in songs bersemburat romance. Two song is arguably the prototype of a ballad song Bimbo. If observed nicks lyrics, arat personification indeed, felt so personal and Poetic. On the B side of the album Trio Bimbo sang a series of hits abroad as "El Condor Pasa" and "Cecilia" ([[Simon & Garfunkel), "Light My Fire" (The Doors), "Once There Was A Love" (Jose Feliciano) "Wichita lineman" (Glenn Campbell) as well as the song "I Have Dreamed" from the work of the Broadway musical "The King and I" by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. The first album Trio Bimbo form of cassettes and LPs only printed limited. Even so is the entrance Trio Bimbo to the Indonesian music scene.
Trio Bimbo Success The success of the album's release I was making them becoming known by music lovers nationwide. They were then eager to launch later albums. Remaco company was changing its decision. They manarik Bimbo to cooperate in recording and marketing the albums next Bimbo. In the era of the '70s, Bimbo is synonymous with ballads that tend to be patterned minor with poetic lyrics. It makes them unique and loved by fans. Their principle is a good musician wants to work with and want to be accepted by society. Until meluncurlah various sususl albums followed into the market to meet the desires of the lover who seemed to await the publication of the new album Bimbo. Bimbo working relationship with Remaco ended in 1978. Shortly before then Remaco cap. Then they move on to other recording studios that have been waiting to cooperate with them.
Bimbo Trio Bimbo Reinforced Iin Parlina In the mid '70s, Bimbo began to be strengthened by Iin Parlina sister 7th (youngest) them. Iin previously incorporated in the Jackie Brothers with the two sister Yani (child-5) and Tina (kids 6th). After Yani and Tina married, Mary Brothers disbanded. Iin which still have interest to benyanyi invited to join the group along with third brother Bimbo since 1971 until now. After adding personnel with Iin Parlina, Trio Bimbo changed its name to Bimbo. Bimbo name is often written into Bimbo & Iin. After joining Iin, Bimbo began touching songs with themes of everyday like Abang tricycles up to its title songs using serial limb like Mustache, Hands, eyes tend to humorous. Iin presence does not always present in all the album, because that by many he is often regarded as an additional member of the group Bimbo course.
Bimbo With Criticism Album Social and Religious Album Entering the era of the '80s, Bimbo started playing songs with themes of social criticism as between Kabul and Beirut or Letter to Reagan and Brezhnev. However, on the other hand characterizes as a religious group was attached tightly. From there it is attached also religious songs were readily accepted by the market. Starting with the works of God songs Sam Bimbo and continues with Qasidah album around 1974, Sajadah (1977), and others. The songs become the songs of the legendary and often sung in moments Hari Raya Islam by Bimbo as well as by other singers on television, radio, etc. Even their songs have been many who re-released by the other singers in the '90s - the 2000s, for example, groups Dental (music group), etc.
Bimbo Collaborate With Writers In a creative journey, Bimbo supported by a number of artists, such as Iwan Rachman who wrote many songs, such as Jasmine from Jayagiri to Flamboyan. In the course of the music, Bimbo also many established collaborations with a series of writers such as Wing Kardjo and Taufiq Ismail. Bimbo originally introduced by Ramadhan KH poet to poet Taufiq Ismail. The process just flows, poet Taufiq Ismail bersdeia poem sung Bimbo, like the poem, Rindu Rasul, until Sajadah length. They give color to the treasury of the country pop music through song lyrics poetic and religious nuances. Actually in making religious songs / Islamic without the cooperation with writers / scholars can also Bimbo. But because these songs need more seriousness, then being pursued is the result of a more weighty. That is why this cooperation is done. In 2007, Bimbo released a new album which, among others, featuring recent work Taufiq Ismail patterned social criticism that the Sale and Purchase and Black & White.
Bimbo Being one Legend Music Indonesia Bimbo is a long road that is legendary. For more than 40 years of work they deliver around 800 songs in 200 albums. Bimbo has also released an album Pop, Keroncong, Dangdut, Malay Classical, Pop Sunda, and of course the spiritual songs which is always present as the return of Ramadan every year.
Bimbo Regeneration Bimbo's personnel children also follow the profession of their parents as a musician. Some of them were then serious, but most do not continue it. Pretty seriously compromise one of them was the son of Sam Bimbo, named Dewi Lestari Asri was called Achi. He decided to make music professionally with co-founded a band SHE. There was also a brother who chose to become a teacher Dea Piano in Jakarta.
Download Bimbo's songs below :
1. Balada Gadis Desa
2. Balada Minta-Minta
3. Balada Seorang Biduan
4. Adinda
5. Balada Seorang Penyiar
6. Sendiri
7. Cinta Terlarang
8. Dengan Puisi Aku
9. Fatwa Pujangga
10. Flamboyant
11. Melati dari Jayagiri
12. Pelabuhan Hati
13. Hitam Kelam
14. Hujan di Polonia
15. Jumpa untuk Berpisah
16. Semalam di Malaysia
17. Tajam tak Bertepi